Wednesday, October 20, 2010

The End of Susan...

I've been getting a lot of people that want to know what happened to Susan. Well, that's not true either. The people that know me and are my friends already know of the horrible fate of poor Susan, but Martha wants to know, so I dedicate this post to NMS, who is Martha, MJ, and NMS represents "Not Martha Stewart"...

Susan is currently in the burn unit at Scottsdale North. She suffered a horrible accident and is horribly disfigured from 2nd and 3rd degree burns to the sides of her face and head. Being pretty shallow, I doubt I'll be seeing her again. The accident went something like this..

I got a phone call from a gentleman that introduced himself as Susan's husband. My first reaction was that off shock, but he explained that he was not her current husband, but her ex. Current husband? He went on to tell me that Susan had suffered an accident and was currently in the hospital burn unit. Completely forgetting of his tales of a current husband, I was caught up in the moment and rushed to her side. When I arrived, I was told I couldn't see her just now, as she had too many visitors already. Currently in her room was a husband named Joe and 2 boyfriends named Jim and Jack, her ex-husband was still ahead of me. I was literally dumbfounded to hear of the congestion of J's in that little room. Still concerned for her well-being, I waited my turn.

Somewhere around Midnight, a gentleman named Jerry sat down next to me and started chatting. Turns out that he also got a call from Susan and was there to see her too. Jerry just met her on yesterday and had only met her once, last night, to have a drink. Out of nowhere, an orderly came out saying number 7, is there a Mel out here? I got up and took my turn to see Susan. She looked just awful. I still hadn't been told by anyone, how this hideous accident occurred. So I asked....

She had a horrible bandage surrounding her entire head. She told me she was standing there ironing a dress for a client. A dress that she had just made and was pressing. Suddenly the phone rang and she said, not thinking, she just lifted the iron, instead of the phone to her ear and said hello. The hot iron burned her ear and the side of her head horribly. With confusion on my face, I asked how she burned the other ear so badly too. With an empty look in her eyes, she looked at me like I was crazy and slowly said, "I had to call the hospital, didn't I?"

No, with all the men awaiting her recovery, I don't think I'll be seeing Susan again... Nope...


Anonymous said...

So, now we aren't friends? I swear, keeping up with you is like a tennis match, all over the court. Poor Susan, I hope she gets some help from the many J's...onward and upward with your dating life...Me? Thanks for asking. Also moved on...NMS

Jules said...

It really IS like a tennis match! NMS was right. Zero - Love. Or pardon my french but, l'oeuf an 'egg'

Guess you'll have to Wickepedia that one....

Jamie said...

Well bloody hell...
