Saturday, March 15, 2008

Costco LOVES the Single Guy...

As recently as a few weeks ago, I purchased chicken parts at Costco. Their packaging allowed for about 20 single chicken thighs to be grouped together in one large impossible package. When I got home, or in my case within a few days, I had to repackage their offering into single baggies with about 2 or 3 thighs in each one for freezing. That way, each baggie could be defrosted easily and quickly by tossing it into the sink full of warm water. This process was successful but tiresome.

As if Costco secretly had an agent sneaking into my home, they realized my problem and solved it. Announcing Costco's new chicken packaging!!! I'm hoping this is a new system and not just a trial packaging attempt. Costco now mimics my old system themselves offering chicken part grouped together in offerings of 2 or 3 chicken thighs in a separate perforated plastic bag ready for freezing. You can still get a total of 20 pieces of chicken, but it's all packaged for you already. I haven't been this excited since I found out my girlfriend didn't wear underwear! It's like Costco and Foster Farms read my mind!

Beware of the Ides of March...

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