Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Just Another Escapee...

This day, March 26th, 1946, I was rushed to Michael Reese Hospital in Chicago, in a time capsule. Inside this time capsule, it stunk, was slippery, confined, not much to eat, yet quite suitable the past 9 months. I recall looking for an exit sign and was more or less convinced to use the slide. Literally, God only knew what was in store for me. Later, much later, I found out. Jeez!

I was poked and prodded and later circumcised. I didn't care much for that, but no one seemed to care what I wanted back then. Instead of that changing, I just got used to it and eventually went with the flow, which is how I got out of that confined area for the first 9 months! I found out that I was a boy, living in a boy's body, whew! I played with other boys and baseballs and climbed trees and was confused by girls. Some things never change.

They sent me to a place called school where I remained for way too many years until one day I'd had enough. After all, who could be smarter than me? I quit and went to work, where I've remained for.......ever. I did learn that if I'd gone to more school, there'd be less work, a good lesson to remember.

Anyhow, today is 62 years from the day I escaped the time capsule. Happy Giving Birthday Mom...

1 comment:

C.A. said...

Happy belated Birthday, Mel. I hope you had a glorious day!
