Monday, February 18, 2008

The Breakfast of Champions...

This morning found me trying to clear out my backyard of a couple of the cars that accumulated there. This is a constant in the life of a car guy. I called Julie to see if she was available to pick me up at the car lot and was pleased at her response. She said sure, she's off all day as a result of President's Day and can we go to downtown Glendale to look at antiques and have breakfast? I'm NOT an antique kind of guy, my things get old all by themselves without looking for more, but EVERYTHING I do with the Lovely Jules is a carnival to me! She could invite me to go septic tank diving and we'd have fun snorkeling! (That may have been a bit strong to make my point).

I gave her detailed instructions on how to find the car lot and told her to call me the first time she got lost. She laughed, I didn't! About 20 minutes later, the phone rang and it was Julie laughing, she was lost. Somehow we rendezvoused and I showed her the whole complex that I refer to as the "Compound". I know she was impressed because she even admitted that she's never seen so much crap accumulated in one place EVER. I explained that Paul suffers from a pack-rat complex and to try not to disturb anything. I introduced her to Paul that was trying to sell something to someone and we left.

Our first stop was a Mexican Restaurant that goes by the name of Bitzie Mama. Their menu offered a complete American breakfast selection as though time had stood still. No one in that place had ever heard of Cholesterol and I was okay with that for the moment. Julie ordered sausage and eggs and I had the vein clogger special, the Chicken Fried Steak covered in country gravy that encompassed the entire large platter. It was served with pre-buttered toast and a large pile of hash brown potatoes that Shaq would have had trouble finishing. I ordered coffee served in an old mug and I even got to pour sugar from a dispenser. It was 1957, just for the moment. I kept making eating noises and when I looked over at Julie, she was eating with enthusiasm like I'd never seen her before. We were on a mission! I don't think Julie got enough to eat when she was a child as she ate her meal and right in the middle ordered a bowl of fruit and milk, coffee and water! I had my head down and I kept hearing Julie saying, you don't have to finish................... but I did!

We paid the check and I loosened my belt by one notch as we walked out to go antiquing. Downtown Glendale is the headquarters for antiques for our area and there were tons of places selling the old stuff. It appears that the Lovely Jules know her antiques too. She purchased 3 old bowls, mentioning their particular brand, color, and era and said she could sell them on eBay and triple her money immediately. I listened, still sucking Chicken Fried Steak out of my teeth. Gosh, that breakfast was GOOD!

We were heading to my house to dump me off when St. Jules asked if I wanted to go to Stein-Mart. I'd never been to a Stein-Mart before, so we went there. It was Chistmas! I found 5 shirts and a pair of shoes that Julie says should replace the old comfortable ones I wear. I might even look good enough to out in public sometime. Geez, those hash browns were to die for!

After walking my poor legs off in downtown Glendale, we finally drove home and Julie dropped me off. She was headed back to her house to work the day away. That never happened. We chatted on the phone a few times and we text messages back and forth saying nice things to one another. You know what? I think we're smitten! Smitten is good.


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