Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Is There a Full moon?

Last night there may have been a full moon, I didn't check. I received a number of emails on one of my new dating services. One, was a woman named Robin that had written to me before and looked pretty cute. I had offered her my email address as opposed to trying to write within the perimeters of the service. I always feel like some in censoring what I write on those things. She answered that I seemed like a great guy, but she's more comfortable if I just gave her MY phone number and she'd call some time today. Since I have nothing to hide, I agreed to that. Shortly after that, I received another email saying that if I wanted a woman that wasn't a slut, I'd better change my profile. It was from a 54 year old crabby old woman that misinterpreted something I had written. To avoid conflict, I changed some words around and cleared things up, then wrote her back, thanking her for bringing it to my attention. She replied a second time telling me I was a liar and that all men think with their genitals. Without replying, I blocked her from harassing me again and thought, "Gee, I wonder why this one is alone"????

After another interrupted night, racing Bogie to the back door to let him out before he explodes, I was awakened at 7 AM by a phone call from unknown number, unknown name. I hate those, so I picked up the phone and dropped it back down on it's cradle to stop the annoying ringing. The caller phoned right back and asked if I were Max. I had a grandfather named Max and I have a grandson named Max, but I explained as briefly as possible that she had the wrong number, anxious to get back to my dream of Jennifer Anniston begging for a night alone with me. That's when she screamed, MEL. I said, yes who is this? She explained that she is Robin with a youthful energetic voice. She asked if she woke me and of course I said yes. She asked if I wanted her to call me back a little later and I replied, only if you want me to make sense. She agreed to call back later and did.

I got up then and around 10:30, this unknown caller rang me again. I answered, Hello, this is Max speaking. She actually asked for Mel. I explained that I was just having a little joke with her when I noticed the strongest New York accent I had ever heard and I've talked to RANDI too.

After that, I had a little New york accent fun and explained in a nice way that she still has a very strong accent, in spite of the 8 years she's been here in AZ. She argued that it was gone and all I could think to say was, yeah! That's when I heard the statement that made me never want to ever hear her speak to me again. She said, "Okay, enuff wit da New Yawk accent awready"... I immediately told her I had another phone call and maybe she an call me another time and promptly hung up. So much for Robin, huh?

The Dating Guy

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