Friday, July 11, 2008

Wanted, Reliable Pool Service...

Along with gasoline, food, and just about everything in our lives, the price of pool chlorine has just about doubled in recent time. Now if you don't own one of these drains on humanity, first consider yourself lucky and second, please enjoy the savings. Somewhere in our pasts, someone created the image of success, floating around in your backyard pool, but in reality I've literally gone years without it getting me even wet. It's something that requires maintenance on a regular basis that has a really bad return on the effort put into it. You can spend an afternoon cleaning it and just waiting for the next Monsoon to dump half off your yard back into it. That brings me to the events of tonight.

Yesterday, I put fresh chlorine in my pool that I purchased at Costco for $85 for 40 LB. That's a little over $2 a pound. In past years, the same Costco would put it on sale for $40 for the 40 LB pale, again proving me theory that it's doubled. I filled my little floater and put an extra 3" tablet in my skimmer for good measure and went about my business. Today I dealt with work issues and having to be home for the AC repair guy, but couldn't be in both places at the same time, to the AC guy's dismay. Tonight it stormed one of our desert storms. We call them the Monsoon and they last from late June until mid September. Sometimes we lose power and other times it's just the cable that goes out, like tonight. The dogs get all fidgety and upset, the lightning strikes go on for hours and it rains like we ought to be building an ark. This is when the big dog needed to go outside and do his business. I knew he had to go, but he'd just stand outside the door contemplating his next move and then chicken out and come back inside. Finally, after the third time, I decided to go with him, that's what he wanted to begin with. So, as I stood there with the rain pouring down on me, coaxing him to finish his business, I looked over and saw my $85 worth of chlorine with the lid off, filled with rain.. The bucket was filled to the top and I had to move fast, as while I contemplated what to do to address this problem, my valuable chlorine was dissolving into the water. I carefully took the 40 LB of tablet out of it's soup and piled them up in the rain. Then, where do I throw the contaminated water? Duh, how about the pool? I pured the expensive mix into the water, where it was designated to go to begin with and replaced the tablets into the wet bucket. When I finished this task, I thought to myself, I'd better get rid of my pool boy and then I remembered, that's me!

Be sure to come back tomorrow for the story about landscaping!


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