Sunday, June 29, 2008

Return of the Dating Guy...

Well, it seems that all good thing eventually come to an end. With the recent termination of relationship, that's all I can think of to call it, the Lovely Jules and I are finally though. It took a year to wear out that welcome, but let it be said that my car will no longer be parked in her garage... With the advent of that news and with a mighty groan, I become the Dating Guy! The Dating Guy is a creature of habit that insists that somewhere out there in the big open plains, there is at least one wonderful woman that is interested in truth, justice and the American way! I will find that woman and bring her home.. In the meantime, if any of the 3 readers that I have attracted, know of anyone fitting that description, let it be known to me. Here are a few prerequisites. She must be tall (not too tall) no taller than 5' 9", thin, shapely, and drug-free. Honesty is a big one, even the little white lies suck! She has to be attractive, at least to me and enjoy laying down with a man at least 2 or 3 times a week (I'm getting old)! If you know of or have seen this woman, please contact me or write me here at headquarters.. Thank you...

With that news, it is only fair to tell you that I have taken things into my own hands (no, not that). I have become a member of a famous International Dating Service, (Oh joy) and I was contacted by a rather pleasant woman in Tucson. We exchanged emails for the majority of the day and towards the evening I noticed a change in the tone of her writing. She went from an intelligent knowledgeable person that taught at a college level to a mean, nasty, angry drunk. She had been divorced for 9 months from a 23 year marriage to a man that developed a substance abuse problem and she required at least a page and a half to explain the depths of his ass-hole-ness. The story sounded familiar for some reason. That's when it occurred to me that the Dating Guy has heard enough stories about what ass-holes some men can be and he's tired of taking the abuse from angry women that still need to take it out on him! My last email to her, after apologizing for not responding immediately, was for her to tell me that she didn't mean to "burst my bubble" but she wasn't exactly sitting around waiting for my response, but was out drinking wine with friends. I gently explained that she's NOT the woman for me and good luck with her next victim...
Whew, dodged another bullet!

The Dating Guy

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