Thursday, October 9, 2008

Is There a Full Moon???

Big day today. Sixteen years ago today, I moved into this house. It was and still is my dream house. It's far more than I ever needed, both in square footage and elaboration, but now it's home to me and my two best friends, the Dynamic Duo. I remember this day 16 years ago. I had a lady named Patti move in with me and Patti had 2 little children, 1 and 3. I remember watching little Stefanie walking with a glass of orange juice across the white carpeting and me walking behind her trying to convince her that it would be a good idea if I carried the orange juice for her. That relationship didn't last too long. I was constantly a nervous wreck and since I had only started dating Patti at that time, I had no problem suggesting other living quarters for her. I financed her move and rented her an apartment.

Not too soon after she moved out, her older daughter called me one night to tell me that her mom was in jail and I needed to bail her out or CPS was coming to pick up all of the kids. Patti also had 2 older children that had lived with their respective fathers, but had recently moved back in with Patti. I asked what she was in jail for and it turned out she had 2 warrants for her arrest. One for writing a bad check and another for a DUI. I had to go to the bank and get a few thousand dollars out before they closed and post it for Patti's bail. I'd never gone through that process before and didn't know that they refund the money to the person that lists their name with the police and Patti handled that. When she made good on her court date, I asked her for the money back and she told me she didn't know what had happened to it. It must have disappeared. She got me for $3000 that time. It turned out that Patti was a credit criminal. She never paid anyone. Her brother financed her new boobs and she wouldn't even pay him. He would jokingly call me and ask me to repossess them for him. Patti thinking that she will never get another chance to get bigger ones chose the largest boobs her slight torso would carry. Patti was about 5' 10" and about 110 LB with humongous boobs, like double D's. I'll never forget the look on my son Brad's face when he arrived from Illinois to move in with me, when Patti answered the door wearing a bikini. He was literally speechless, along with his 18 year old buddy, Eric.

I haven't checked, but I'd be willing to bet that there's a full moon tonight. Minding my own business, with the exception of writing one email to an old friend of mine, I took it easy and didn't harass anyone. I must have gotten 5 or 6 email from perspective women online. Sometimes you just wonder what you did wrong! Without knowing why, I felt compelled to write to MJ tonight. It's been a couple of months since we've spoken and I was kind of missing her. I hope she wasn't offended by my impromptu email.


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