Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Another Day in Paradise...

The other night I was with Julie and she at some point referred to her age and then said she was 51. That immediately caught my attention as she had told me for the past 6 months that she was 48. When I questioned her, she insisted she was 51 and had been lying to me for the past period of time. It didn't seem to bother me that she was 51, but I was rather pleased making us a little closer in age, that at times seems an issue. She insisted that I was disappointed as soon as I found out the truth and I need to have a young woman as a girlfriend and I insisted that it was NOT indeed true, but I was amazed that she could maintain a 6 month lie to me. I was not only shocked, but truly disappointed that she could so easily lie to me, in fact knowing how important the truth is to me within a relationship.

Then she asked how old I really was and of course I told her 65. Her mouth fell open and I could see she was truly thinking about 95 miles per hour. I told her that I said I was younger because of her tender age of 48, but now that she's 51, I might just as well tell the truth. I feel restored to know that I no longer have to lie to her and I was afraid that she was just interested in me for my social security check every month. Now Julie insisted on knowing the truth and of course, so did I.

The next thing we know, we are both producing our driver's licenses and it seems that Julie is as bad at math as she is about lying. When she saw I was born in 1946, she still couldn't figure out how old I was and started to take off her shoes to use her toes to count. I stopped her and soothed her, confessing that we were both really the ages that we originally told each other we were and everything is restored. Whew!

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