Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Post Removed from Jules' Blog...

The following is a post that was removed at the last minute due to public ridicule. It is now posted under "comments". It was posted to the blog of the Lovely Jules, "Chronic Diahrria". Thanks to Google Reader and the "cut and paste" I reproduce it here for you today..

This is an example of what can happen if you Drink and Love!

The All Knowing Mel...


from Chronic Diahrrea by Jules
I was not going to write here tonight because I have shared way to much lately and the mystery of me is fading fast. But I just have to say one more thingto say before I shut up. I absolutely love you Mel. You are right when you are right and I can even tolerate you when you are wrong, which is most of the time.
Mel has the ability to summarize all of my bullshit and circumstance in to gutter level logic. This man has a keen sense of rational for everyone but himself. Our conversation tonight was the highlight moment of my day. He asked about BM and I kinda, sorta told him what was happening there. With which he erupted into screaming indignation for that fact that "HE IS JUST NOT GOOD FOR YOU" and how dare I be so swept away by BM's BS? Right again. The conversation went from there to the fact that I am on a self destructive path and am I into my PMS mode yet? Yes and yes. Fuck you Mel for being so deep in my head. But when all is said and done, he is without a doubt the wisest man I have ever known. He is charmingly vulnerable, posses a certain wisdom beyond formal education that I envy, has a genuine sense of humor that rivals the best comedian, and shows his love right out loud. So I keep gravitating back to him because I love his brain, his humor, his compassion and his ability to be completely himself with me. That, in and of itself :) is the rarest of gifts that one person can offer to another. So in essence, he seems to be my greatest teacher. You know you have my heart Fisher. You're the only man I would give a kidney to and not think twice about it. And with that said......... All my love. Jules

1 comment:

Jules said...

Could you please edit my typos AT LEAST. I can put up with public humiliation, but have some compassion